Recovery and the Creative Process
Benjamin Lerner used creative expression to tackle addiction. He’s shares his journey to help others.
Bennington County State's Attorney Erica Marthage conducts a drop-in expungement assistance program.
Bennington County State's Attorney Erica Marthage, in cooperation with the Bennington County Sheriff's Department, is sponsoring an expungement assistance program to help people remove old criminal convictions from their records.
New program allows police officers to directly refer juveniles to CRJ to participate in a restorative intervention without the need to go through a court process.
As state’s attorney for Bennington County, I am confronted on a daily basis with the aftermath of the opiate crisis in our community. People who don’t deal with these problems every day may hear about, but do not truly understand, the full reach of the opiate problem.
We are fortunate to be raising our children in an amazing community. Find resources and information on what we can all do when it comes to caring for our kids.
No matter where in Vermont you are, there are resources to help. Contacting a substance use disorder counselor or program to get help can be hard, but it is a huge first step toward a healthier life.
startling statistics
90% of adults struggling with addictions started before age 21
1 in 4 risk addiction if they drink or misuse substances before age 18